I have launched www.projectonemillion.net and will spend most of my time and effort there, but will still be updating and posting here as well. Stop on over at www.projectonemillion.net and let me know what you think.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Dispelling Fears About The GoogleBomb Algorithm Update
Dispelling Fears About The GoogleBomb Algorithm Update
by: Bill Platt
Google algorithm updates always bring the fears of webmasters to a boiling point. In the aftermath of an algorithm update, some people come out swinging, making claims that Google is trying to put them out of business. Others look at their Google rankings and pat themselves on the back for having survived another "algo" update.
It has been known in search engine optimization (SEO) circles for quite some time that one could successfully implement what is referred to as a GoogleBomb. The best example was a search on the phrase "miserable failure". A search on those words within Google would show George W. Bush's biography at the White House website, in the top three or four results of the search results. This would occur, despite the fact that neither word in the search criteria resides on the White House website. At one time, Bush's biography had been in the #1 spot, but counter-bombing campaigns moved Bush's listing down the page a bit.
Many people have written about this phenomenon in time's past. I have even written about it myself. When I wrote about it, my point was to show the importance of anchor text in a link to build the value of a web page in the Google search engine result pages (SERPS).
The "miserable failure" GoogleBomb came to exist within a loophole within the Google algorithms. Google puts a lot of value on the anchor text that point to a particular web page. It is part of their "one link – one vote" philosophy as to the value of a web page.
Bloggers joined forces to create thousands of links pointing to the White House website with the words "miserable failure" in the anchor text. The shenanigans of the George W. Bush bashers were eventually countered by their fellow bloggers on the other side of the political aisle. Eventually, the search phrase "miserable failure" would also bring up the Michael Moore and Jimmy Carter websites in the top few results for that search phrase.
The average person who did not understand the nature of the SEO game would occasionally stumble across these esoteric search phrases and get him or herself into a huff, because they thought that Google was stating their own political views. Of course, Google really does not have an opinion, at least not one that would ever appear in their search results.
The GB Update...
In this case, the GB Update is not so-named because "George Bush" disappeared from the "miserable failure" search results. Instead, it is so-named because it is the "GoogleBomb" update, which Google implemented in January of 2007.
Once the update was implemented, the "miserable failure" search began to only return pages that talked about GoogleBombs from a technical standpoint.
With the GB update officially rolled out (http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2007/01/quick-word- about-googlebombs.html), people began the standard Google-update panic process.
Hundreds of posts began appearing on forums concerning the GB updates and the fear that link-building efforts undertaken by search engine marketing (SEM) companies and webmasters would be hurt as well.
So, I did a bit of research. I have run several linking campaigns on my own behalf, and on the behalf of clients. Those campaigns were put together with a mix of keyword phrases nestled in the anchor text of links to our websites. I checked the status of all of the websites I represent, and without fail, our linking campaigns had not been hurt by the GB update.
Interesting Changes From The GoogleBomb Update
According to Matt Cutts of Google, the changes in the GB update were all completed within the Google algorithm. Cutts has always said that Google does not like to manually rearrange the search engine results, so an algorithmic solution to the GoogleBomb was in order. A few of the Google engineers worked together to find a solution to the GoogleBomb issue.
In an attempt to understand what had changed, I looked at a few of the more notorious GoogleBombs of past and discovered some interesting facts.
Broken Google Bombs:
* "Miserable failure" no longer returns George W. Bush, Michael Moore, or Jimmy Carter websites. * "Worst president ever" now only returns pages that make the claim the GW Bush has earned that title. * "Waffles" no longer returns results that point to the John Kerry website. * Tony Blair's homepage no longer comes up under the search term "liar".
Unchanged Google Bombs:
* A search for "Scientology" still has the "Operation Clambake" listing in the #2 spot (2007-01-31). Operation Clambake is a website that is critical of Scientology. * "Click here" still points to the Adobe website (although this was not actually a GoogleBomb). * "French military victories" still goes to the same page on Albino Black Sheep when you hit "I feel lucky" on Google's search page. (I still get a kick out of this one.) * The "great president" GoogleBomb survived. It still points to Bush's bio on the White House website.
The Question On Everyone's Mind
Everyone seems to be asking the same question. How does Google defuse Google Bombs?
Well, Google isn't saying, so we are left to figure it out on our own. Based on what I was able to uncover in my study of Google Bombs, I came up with a theory.
What I have been able to take from the results shown above is that Google may have targeted only "negative links". If you want to review what is shown above, all of the Google Bombs that are now gone had negative connotations to them. All of the Google Bombs that survived can be construed as having positive, or at least non-negative, connotations to them.
If my assertion is correct, then average, ordinary webmasters will have nothing to fear from the Google Bomb update. My sites and my client's websites also reflect that the Google Bomb update did not have any affect on us.
Maybe I am just grasping at straws, but I don't think so. You be the judge... "Worst president" is gone, and "great president" survived. To me, that says a lot.
The Google Bombing Legacy Continues...
Following my logic, Google Bombing is still a possibility for those who Google Bomb with a positive set of anchor text keywords. So, some Google Bombs will continue to live well into the future.
In 2004, Search Engine Watch suggested that Google Bombs are better defined as Link Bombs, since they can affect all of the major search engines, including Yahoo and MSN.
Google has finally addressed link bombing in a positive way, but Yahoo and MSN are still prone to link bombing attacks. For example, as of this writing, MSN still has George in the top spot for "miserable failure" in the MSN Live results.
About The Author
Bill Platt has been involved in article marketing and link building since 1999. If you are in the market to have someone build keyword anchor text links to your site, using unique and interesting content as the foundation, then Bill's team can help you: http://www.LinksAndTraffic.com - If you would prefer to talk to Bill by phone, you can call 405-780-7745 between 9am-6pm CST, Monday thru Friday. http://www.PlattServicesInc.com
Posted by
Debt Solutions
8:16 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
My blog is worth $1,693.62.
How much is your blog worth?
Posted by
Debt Solutions
6:07 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Sign of The Times...
I just read this article and it absolutly killed me. Very depressing. Must say that I'm not shocked that things have deteriorated to this level, but I don't know how things are going to change.
You have individuals in the $35,000 per year range going to food lines just to make it by. Just stop for a second and take that all in. Did it settle? Wait, it'll get worse. I'm going to go ahead and assume that at least a few of these people either have college educations or several years of job experience. Yes, that education and experience has helped them make it all the way to food lines and pantries.
So, how scared am I for many of the people that are going to come into these situations during my lifetime? Very. As more and more situations like this develop the cycle begins to perpetuate. Educated individuals see these situations arise and the advice they push off on the youth of today and their children becomes more irrelevant. "Go to college, get degree, work your ass of for a big company, be loyal, seek job security..." The list goes on and on. Please pause for a second and think about all of it.
The workforce is already becoming saturated with degree bearing individuals, who are also armed with an average of about $20,000 in student loan debt. What goes through their minds as they get nailed from behind in the corporate world? "I need to further my education and get more high level certifications to be competitive in the job market." What kind of advise do you expect these individuals to give their children? Consider that 25 is average age for American women to become pregnant for the first time (US Census 2006)...
So only 3 years after graduating with a degree that doesn't mean as much as it used to, buried in debt, fighting for competitive wages, there is now another mouth to feed. What do you think that individual will suggest to their child in regard to education goals?
Now, more than ever, there is ample evidence that you need to be responsible for your financial future. College and the corporate world are no longer the universal answer. I think that we are going to have to push forward in order to go backward in term of the history of economics. What I mean by this is a mass economic model based on entrepreneurship on a grand scale. I will explore this in the next couple days. Thanks for reading.
Chuck Boobs
If you enjoyed this blog, feel free to donate.
If you like this you should check this one out-
How to Retire Tomorrow
Posted by
Debt Solutions
6:00 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Are you part of the 5%?
A loose figure to base this post on is that only 5% of the US population will ever become rich. It's also said that 5% of the world's population controls 95% of the wealth. Sounds close enough for me.
Why do you think this is? Do you believe that it is because the other 95% don't want to be rich? Hmmm...not that one, otherwise there wouldn't be millions of lotto tickets sold daily with the best odds that I could find being 1 in 13,983,816 for the jackpot.
So it looks like many people want to be rich, but few ever do. Why? Well my guess is because the 95% want to be rich, but they don't want to work for it. People don't want to be responsible for their futures and finances. They always have to be able to blame someone or something for their lack of success.
"I was born poor, I'll always be poor."
"I'm unlucky."
"I always get screwed."
"I'm too stupid to get rich."
That last one really kills me. Not because you can always seek education and information to change yourself mentally. Not because you can always create a partnership with others who have the knowledge. But because of the fucking pet rock! Gary Dahl made himself a millionaire in about six months by selling people rocks for $3.95.
It doesn't take much more than being able to bust a little bit of ass and think outside the box to make it big in this world. If you live in America, have a computer, and have internet access, you have no excuse for not working leverages to put yourself in a better place.
Just make sure that you have the right reasons for wanting to be rich. Chuck Boobs will cover that in a future article.
Chuck Boobs
If you enjoyed this blog, feel free to donate.
Posted by
Debt Solutions
4:41 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Never shall it end...
Never shall the tragic fall upwards to the heavens complete me. My hopes and dreams may not rise with me as I revel in the opalescent spectrum of new goals and measures that my mind is constantly bombarded with. Never the less I will succeed in this life or the next. I will measure my worth as the fire in my eyes to love, hate, fuck, fight, and dream. Every failure is just as sweet as any success. Life is learning to learn from living.
Posted by
Debt Solutions
8:31 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
How to Retire Tommorow (and why you should) Pt 1
Guess what everyone...Hmm...Any takers? No, okay, here it goes. I retired today! You can too! Well maybe not in any of the traditional senses:
go into retirement; stop performing one's work or withdraw from one's position; "He retired at age 68"
withdraw from active participation; "He retired from chess"
Well fuck it, I won't be bound by mere traditional definitions. Chuck Boobs might still be gainfully employed, but that's besides the point. I made the decision to stop working for money. No no no damn it, I am not working for free either. Let me explain, please keep reading.
Today I decided to stop going to work for the sole purpose of generating an income. Why, because working for an income is the worst thing you can do. Come on now class, let's investigate all of the reasons why:
#1. You'll always be below someone.
I realized this one while I was in the military. No matter how much time and effort you dedicate in the capacity of an employee, you're someones bitch. Plain and simple. I could have done 40 years and become a General with some crazy ass job title working in the E Ring of The Pentagon. Reality is I would still have 25 asshole bosses, and they would have even more. And maybe someday if you're really really lucky, you could be the president. Then you would only have 301,139,947 bosses (give or take) as well as what is probably the least fun job in the world.
Until you take the helm of your life ship (from here on referred to as "Sweet Tits Pimp Mobile 2000" or STPM2) someone else is controlling your life. Take control. Succeed or fail, at least your life is yours.
#2. Your time isn't your time.
Your time is The Man's time. The Man's time is horribly inefficient for you. Everyday you show up to build someone else's investments, to make their assets more valuable. Pretty much across the board your pay is based on the time that you work. S + H + I + T + T + Y=shitty. Just consider the principality of that. Your money only works when you do. Does that seem like a wise investment at all?
#3. Time. Again.
The STPM2 (Sweet Tits Pimp Mobile 2000 if you forgot already) will only run for so many years. It will only run WELL for a shorter period than that. We've got some simple basic math coming up in a second, let's just line a few things up.
Averages- Average age to start working: 16, Average age to retire: 65, Average work day: 9-5 (8hrs per day, 5 days per week, 40hr work week.) Now I'm not going to get all fucking crazy and figure in paid vacation, sick days, federal holidays, and all of that stuff. This is for illustrative purposes only. 52 40hr weeks per year= 2080 hrs. 49 years of servitude to The Man is 2548 weeks. 101,920hrs is quite a bit of time use unhappily building other peoples assets. Think about all the places you could go, all of the things you can do and see in that time span. While we're at it think about the time you could spend with friends and family. Life is short and unpredictable, savor every moment you get.
#4. Being an employee is too competitive.
Not that it is unreasonably competitive if you're of above average intelligence. However, for what it is, why should you have to try so hard? Our parents said "Get a degree, get a job with a big company." Fucking wonderful, now there are only 100 people in your same position fighting for the same job with the same qualifications...peachy keen indeed. Not to mention the job probably sucks ass anyway.
#5. Job security is a joke.
Unless you're self employed, you are at the whim and mercy of your supervisors. If you're an entrepreneur and something falls through, you have a million different directions to go and generate income. If you're an employee, well that's another story. Piss someone off, you're done. Downsizing, screwed. Improving efficiency, could be your job. Motivated independent individual who thinks outside the box, yeah you're fucked- you just make too many of your seniors look bad. Just remember, "You're fired" is all it takes.
#6. Education and experience
Unless you have found a job that you truly enjoy, the education and experience you gain from it aren't worth that much at all. What happens? You just get better and more efficient at your job. Remember that in the end you are just finding faster smarter ways to build the assets and investments of others. Experience within a field is far different from life experience.
#7. Social life
Do you remember when you went out to dinner with Bob from accounting and his crazy bitch of a wife. Sweet. This is another one that I brought from the military, but was reminded of by Steve Pavlina. I met some of the most amazing people in the world while I was serving. I have friendships that will last forever. I doubt that the average civilian job builds these, but that's besides the point.
You are smarter than the average bear (right Booboo?) You need stimulus and input from all angles. When you are in an consistent environment you stagnate. You crave something beyond the same people everyday at work and the same people from work drunk every weekend. I guess this one could go either way. Regardless of your work situation, try and meet someone new every day.
I think that you're starting to get the picture. Just in case you need some more reenforcement- Here Goes The Speed Round
#8. Cubicles Suck
#9. This Isn't The Company Car
#10. This Isn't Your Paycheck
There you go, 10 solid reasons. 10 reasons why working for an income is a bad idea that will leave a bad taste in your mouth that gets worse the longer you think about it. Part 2 of this multiple part blog will explain how to break from this mentality and immediately retire.
Chuck Boobs
If you enjoyed this blog, feel free to donate.
Posted by
Debt Solutions
7:18 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Lovely little rant on perspective-
I am so sick of people today. I am worried about the future of this once great country. Having spoken to many others about this situation we have decided that the Urbanization of Suburbia is the worst thing to happen to this country in recent years. Why the fuck do people glamorize being an ignorant dickhead? Since when was is so damn cool to speak with an 8th grade vocabulary littered with swearing? I don't understand it, I don't think that I ever will. However, if you do please enlighten me. Unlike many of you, I do infact embrace learning and self improvement. As these people, their attitudes, and their mentality spread through this country like a cancer I look toward the future. Many have limited education and skills. Just as many have little economic power. If you don't have any brains, skills, or money to contribute to society, what are you doing to make this world a better place? Even on a smaller scale, how do you help your community? Or is "reppin yo block" sufficiently benefiting your little corner of the world? Which is, by the way, not as bad as you think it is. You want to find a "real ass hood" step out of your comfort zone and learn a little about the world. Read about Jordan, Somolia, Zimbabwe, or Turkmenistan. Consider how lucky you are to live in a country that will allow you to protest and speak out against your leaders and laws. When you hang up that last call on your cellphone, finish dinner, and go to bed- in a bed- and in a house please realize that you are truly blessed. Stop and think about the places where you have to carry a gun everyday, everywhere from age 10 on just to stay alive. Stop and think about facing genocide daily due to your color, religion, or political affiliation. I'm not writing any of this to be an asshole, not by any means at all. I just wish people would take advantge of the opportunities afforded to them. I wish that people would be nice, for no reason at all. I know this one seems small, but for fuck sakes stop butchering the english language. Please try to do something to give back and make the world a better place, it's the least you can do.
Chuck Boobs
If you enjoyed this blog, feel free to donate.
Posted by
Debt Solutions
2:18 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Ouch, you're stepping on my dick.
On the way to work today, my penis was stepped on by a rather large boot. Not literally mind you, but figuratively indeed. I was listening to an unnamed individual on an unnamed AM talk show. It went something to this effect-
(In regard to Iraq.)
"Blah blah blah...The reason you don't see burning cars and dead bodies on the news every night anymore is because we are doing so well...Those things aren't going on...There is now a great deal of stability in the region...blah blah blah..."
What the fuck?!?
Hmm, pulled this from msnbc minutes ago-
Updated: 1 minute ago
BAGHDAD - An "indirect fire" attack on a big U.S. military base in the Iraqi capital Baghdad overnight killed two coalition forces members and wounded 38, the U.S. military said on Thursday.
I didn't have to go on some mythical fucking Lord of The Rings journey to find out about shitty things happening in Iraq. Hell, I didn't even have to look at yesterday's news. It was right there in front of me.
Now don't go thinking that I'm protesting the war or hate mongering Bush, not by any stretch of the imagination. I'm protesting ignorance and hate mongering irresponsible asshats. If you get the chance to speak on nationally syndicated radio, please don't be a fuck up. In your own life try not to go out of your way to lie to others, but more importantly don't lie to yourself. As far as the irresponsibility part goes, your average person has plenty of trouble keeping up with the world without super bullshit pilled on top of it.
I strongly feel that everyone has a responsibility to positively contribute to the world around them. Honesty and intelligence go a long way toward holding up your end of the bargain. Try not to deceive people and try to learn something new everyday. That's all that I could ask of anyone.
As a closing note, regardless of your stance on the war or your opinion of our president- Support The Troops!
Chuck Boobs
If you enjoyed this blog, feel free to donate.
Posted by
Debt Solutions
7:38 PM